Monday, December 27, 2010

Birthday present for Daddy !!

Kids made them for their Daddy's birthday.
In stared of plying game, I thought this would be good for them.  
I love making such things myself so I enjoyed a lot.
Kids are so quick to learn things.  
My daughter prick her finger with a needle many times but it was't that bad. My son learned "blancket stitch" (see the yellow sides), also he learned some basic things such as tie a knot with two fingers.At the beginning he couldn't do that but he kept doing it over and over,he finally made it !! He was so happy!!

I love this moment. Their eyes are sparkled with confident and satisfaction.

Dekoboko kappa-maki

We invited friends for dinner last week. I try to make some norimaki which is very simple japanese food and easy to eat especially for little kids.
I have tried to make this months ago, I remember it didn't come out good.
While I was making,  I asked myself "why I chose to make this????!!!".
I was getting really frustrated and finally gave up!!

Instead of me my husband started to make. Put them down on the cutting board then cut and put back on the plate. They came out  as "Dekoboko kappa-maki" which made me smile. I've never seen such as tall ones, fat ones all mixup...
They should have all same hight and same shape.

I was kind of embarrassed as Japanese but I found out that nobody care its figure.They just said  "good!". Made me feel much better. 

Also my son said to me "nobody is perfect".

I thank my family and friends a lot.

p.s    It was good kappa-maki with siso, indeed!!  You should try!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hike with Henneko?!

We went hiking on saturday up to Sankai zan with five kids and Henneko(?).

As we started at the bottom of the hill, a couple of cats came to us and one of them started to follow us, finally on top of the  mountain at the Jinjya.

We felt sorry for him so we gave our snack Manjyu. But he didn't like it at all.

On the way home he went different direction to the woods so we never see him again.

If you see "Hen neko" just say "Hi" for us!! 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Cute movie! "The year without a Santa claus"

    It is  time for Christmas! 
    I've set up our christmas tree in the house waiting for the presents underneath. Last night we watched an old movie called "The year without a Santa claus".  
    I put the picture of "The Heat Mister" and there are other funny characters in this movie.
    Believe in Santa clause or not, it will bring back you to your childhood. Enjoy watching!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Look delicious?

I made them as I make real cookies with special clay. I also  colored them myself and squeezed the whip cream.
That was so much fun!!

It seems very popular among women in the big cites but not here in Hamada. I took this class in Hamada, and  Sensei is going to sell lots of items at Yuhi park on the 11th 10am~4pm. Also you can try to make cookie strap  for 300 yen!
 (work shop 1pm~2pm)

Do you want to have your original special cookie strap or a present for your special friend?